Friday, July 23, 2010

Lyric 7

One side is bright
One side is night

My eyes can’t rest
Where is your nest?

The music tape, near the end
Sun is rising, colors blend

Line of horizon, line of your lips
Color of win, give me a kiss

Sitting by sea, endless melody
Sound of your move, wave your body

Between billions, you’re the one
It’s not by search that I can find

The wind should come, the horse of time
Carrying your sign, odor of pine

Some catch the horse, they go with wind
I rush against, there you must’ve been

1 comment:

pop said...

My eyes can’t rest
Where is your nest?

my eye's can't see
i am lost in the sea
everything is dark
except black dog's bark
the spirit is gone
life but is no fun
where would i go
in this shitty manhole
swim in the sewer
i am only a viewer