Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lyric 10

Circles all around
Chances to be found

Bubbles on the sea
I’ve to figure out, which one can I be

Baby, oh my babe, I’m full of doubt
Empty inside me, looking all about

After I saw you, my sea got relaxed
No wave, not any bubble, they all went to rest

What an illusion, oh such a cool sea
It got exited, no other way could be

Angles and demands, that’ what I all see
One I love, the other I hate, you make me free

All that I need is, to hear yes and yes
And yes you would be, among all the best

All I need is to, let me be your nest
And then, only then, baby I can rest

In summer and winter
No matter, what ever

Baby, enough stories of good and bad
With you but I'm one, fire and water, both could be glad

With you there is not, but beauty and dance
It’s like I’m not, I’m nobody, all was a trance

Make me, make me feel one
Yes only you, you only can bind

Whole my life I ran; how can I be free
With you but I know, I know it can be.


pop said...

this one is really funny...

pop said...

Circles all around
Chances non to be found